21/01/2011 - 15:22 Lego news
10212For those who don't yet know, the 10212 Imperial Shuttle set hides a little surprise for fans.
The stickers delivered with this set are written in Aurabesh (Font downloadable here). Each sticker has its own text which when translated gives these sentences:

- Kurt was here and wrote
- Adam made this model
- Come to the dark side we got cookies
- Forehead
(on the screen with a front view of the shuttle)
(on the screen with a side view of the shuttle)

A sympathetic attention from the designers who will reconcile, if possible, those who consider that the stickers are a heresy, and who regret the screen-printed pieces of yesteryear.

20/01/2011 - 23:41 Lego news

6968I particularly like the mini SW sets, and checking on brick set the list of models released so far I came across this model: 6968-1: Wookiee Attack.

We can find traces of this set at LEGO because the instructions are available for download in pdf format.

But apparently this set was never released, without explanation from TLC.
Could not find more information about this ghost set, which you can still add to your collection using the instructions.

20/01/2011 - 19:26 Lego news
66377Seen on eBay at this address, a 3in1 SuperPack with the reference 66377, consisting of the following 2011 references: 7869 Battle For Geonosis, 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack and 7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack.

No wonder, there have been SuperPacks in the past, but in this case, the sets that make it up have only just come out on the market.

Note that sets 7913 and 7914 are on sale everywhere separately, but that set 7869 is exclusive to the LEGO Shop, at least for now.

At the moment this set seems to be only available in Germany at a price of 69 €. Another set for which we will have to fight on eBay ...... and pay a high price.

20/01/2011 - 11:45 Lego news
BA Reach Banner IMFor anyone new to Brickarms, this is a company that specializes in the design and production of good quality custom accessories and minifigs.

If you are a little fed up with the classic blasters from your SW sets and want to equip your troopers or jedis with more realistic and detailed weapons, don't hesitate ...

The prices are relatively high, from $ 0.75 to $ 1.50 for a blaster, but when you love you don't count ....

To spend your money and offer your minifigs weapons worthy of the name, it's on this page: https://www.brickarms.com.

20/01/2011 - 08:31 Lego news
Finally a video on which we see in more detail the new models that will be exhibited at the new SW space of Legoland in California.

The Falcon is simply impressive and seems very solid given the means of transport used (!), we can see among other things an X-Wing and an AT-AT being set up as well.

In short, incredibly detailed Mega MOCs that bring our well-known models back to the Duplo toddler toy department.