08/09/2016 - 19:47 Competition

exclusive captain america steve rogers san diego comic con contest brickheroes 2016

Do you like super heroes but you dread the moment of Comic Con every year because you know that LEGO is going to give away a few hundred copies of just one or two too exclusive minifigs?

You feel discouraged by the prices charged by all who resell these minifigs on eBay ?

Do you have the impression that those who publish reviews of these minifigures are slyly taunting you by reminding you that you have no way of getting them at a decent price?

If you answered yes to these three questions, I might have something for you: Here is a contest that will allow one of you to win a copy of the exclusive Captain America minfig (Steve Rogers) offered this year during the San Diego Comic Con.

To participate, it's very easy: Just post a comment below. Please note, your participation will not be taken into account if the comment contains only one of the following expressions: "I try","I participate","For my grandson","For my little loulous".

This competition is open to all and you have until September 23 at 23:59 p.m. to participate. Good luck to everyone !

exclusive captain america steve rogers san diego comic con contest brickheroes 2016 box

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