15/08/2011 - 23:08 MOCs
TwoLostDroids a08 017
You probably know this talented MOCeur who regularly offers us nice dioramas on its site.

This time, he stages the arrival on Tatooine of the two droids R2-D2 and C-3PO with their escape pod, before being kidnapped by the Jawas who will then sell them to Owen Lars.

Collectors are familiar with this scene, LEGO has already produced it with the set 7106 Droid Escape released in 2001.
ACPin's diorama incorporates a much better modeled and much more detailed pod than the one offered by LEGO ten years ago. The dunes are also well reproduced in Tan and the illusion is perfect.

To see more go to the space dedicated to this diorama on the CAPin website.

TwoLostDroids a00 003
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