21/07/2011 - 15:25 Lego news
This is the key day for the launch of the new range Lego super heroes and we can say that the media stunt is successful.

The forums are teeming with pictures taken by visitors to Comic Con, and I offer you a new series of photos of the minifigs in the range below.

You'll notice the sticker on Captain America's shield, which is arguably a preview version of the minifigure that will be marketed with a screen-printed shield.

Unless we were entitled to a nice sticker, which, let's face it, would not be very serious.

These new views confirm that the Iron Man minifig's helmet is out of proportion, that the Hulk doesn't really look like a minifigure, and that the Joker looks like an old shrew.

I really like Wolverine's claws and Wonder Woman's lasso, though.

Click on the image to enlarge.

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