01/12/2011 - 15:51 MOCs

Hand of Fate by madLEGOman

Contest winners MOC Madness 2011 at FBTB were nominated, and four creations were therefore awarded: the top 3 of the general classification and the special jury prize.

The big winner is Zane “zhouston” with his Bounty Hunter Niobrara shaar and his ship the Arkosius VII (Flickr gallery). The special jury prize was awarded to Jack “madLEGOman” and his Hand of fate (Flickr gallery), Bounty Hunter ship Constable Drex.

In second place in the general classification we find Tyler “Legohaulic” with his Bounty Hunter Vet Steele accompanied by his ship Avid steele (Flickr gallery), and third place goes to Joel “JD4M” Baker and his Soul Snatcher (Flickr gallery), bounty hunter's ship Raesha Ka Lia.

All these creations amply deserve their prices with a preference for my part for the Hand of fate, with its pirate ship side straight out of the universe of Albator. 

You can find these two MOCs, close-up shots, and many comments on their functionality in their respective flickr galleries.

Arkose VII by Zane

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