06/02/2013 - 01:03 Lego news

The Yoda Chronicles - New Leia

Without transition, return to LEGO with a few lines on the noticed appearance of what could be the new version of Leia in slave outfit in the latest episode of the Yoda Chronicles uploaded by LEGO.

If the plastic version is faithful to the one modeled in this video, it is an exceptional minifig that will finally replace the 2006 version (which was released in 2009 in a pack of magnets).

Everything has obviously been revised by the designers, from the hairstyle to the face, including the silkscreen printing of the bikini which is superb. This minifigure is included in the set 75020 Jabba's Sailbarge which will be released in the summer of 2013.

The Yoda Chronicles - New Leia

05/02/2013 - 00:39 MOCs

R2-D2 Mid-Size by DanSto

Back to a DanSto MOC which obviously appeals to me by the chosen format. And this R2-D2 more compact than the version of set 10225 released in 2012 (see this comparative visual) deserves that you take the time to look into it.

DanSto succeeds in delivering a detailed astromech droid in a relatively compact format, while retaining essential functionality. The dome with visible studs becomes as far as I'm concerned more consistent at this scale than on the official UCS version and the angle of inclination of the feet seems to me to be closer to the model in the film.

Instructions in pdf format are available free of charge at this address (13 MB): R2-D2 Mid Size by DanSto and this is good news because I know that many of you are expressing your frustration in front of an OMC that you would like to reproduce in your spare time but for which the instructions are not available.

This MOC is subject to Cuusoo project that you can support if, like me, you have an activist soul in favor of the Midi-Scale format. This project will struggle to find 10.000 supporters, but a conviction vote to remind LEGO that the Midi-Scale has its followers is never too much.

DanSto has also posted its MOC on his flickr gallery and you can also find it on Rebrickable.

04/02/2013 - 22:46 Lego news

War Machine & Iron Man Mark VI, VII, VIII & MK42

And I will take advantage of this period of calm between two Toy Fair to try to get answers ...

The photo above is typical of what has been happening for several months: The minifigs planned in sets whose official presentation has not even taken place are circulating in quantity on eBay or Mercado Libre (a Mexican clone of eBay) and end in "reviews"on flickr or YouTube.

In the picture above, the three minifigs on the left are copies bought on eBay that are not yet officially marketed ...

LEGO doesn't seem to be overly moved by this, which leads me to have a lot of questions.
The leaks got worse with the opening of the LEGO factory in Monterey, Mexico and the manufacturer can't be fooled.

Far be it for me to play the masked vigilante, but I would still like to get a reaction from the manufacturer to these leaks which are becoming almost "normal" and which no longer shock anyone.

So I will post my question on facebook, twitter, email, etc ... until I get an answer. I'll keep you posted on what I might get.

04/02/2013 - 21:33 Lego news

The Brick Queen

This is a trend that will undoubtedly increase in 2013: Video blogging on the LEGO theme.

For the most part you already know The Brick Show, this ancestor video channel of the discipline, hosted by Jason-I-speak-slowly-so-you-understand-me-well. Nothing personal, but I can't stand their videos anymore, especially because the host adds a little too much in the mediatico-spectacular-megalo tone, and because everything is a pretext to post a video, even the info that doesn't. is not one.

First of all, let's put things in their place: If YouTube is swarming with video reviews and channels of all kinds dedicated to the LEGO universe, it is mainly because advertising can generate substantial income. So many of them try to retain an audience hoping to earn a few dollars from their videos. This is particularly the case of YourCreativeFriends, a clone of The Brickshow, whose lobbying on LEGO blogs is intense lately. 

Others, like The Brick Queen, are ready to try to use their "charms" to attract customers. It's pathetic, but the visit counter shows that it works pretty well ... (watch this video)

Even artist recently went astray in the overproduction of uninteresting videos, notably by offering one video per slot of the Advent City 2012 calendar ...

They are also more and more currently offering video content where the host takes the stage to present his review or his news. It is generally positive, we pass fingers filmed in close-up to the face of the one who informs us on one subject or another and we at least have the impression of watching a "show".

However, if we take a closer look at the counter of these channels, we see that the audience of most of them remains confidential. One of the explanations undoubtedly lies in the fact that the average LEGO fan usually goes straight to the point and does not burden himself with the whining of a pseudo-animator who always does a little too much. 

The current fashion is to offer pseudo-reviews of minifigs stolen and sold on eBay by followers of what we will call the "Mexican industry". The subject is very promising and the visit counters are racing. We can always discuss the moral aspect of the thing: Should you make money for a guy who imposes advertising on you to make you watch a review of a stolen minifig? I'm schematizing, but that's the idea.

I would love to know what you think of this trend. Do you watch one or more video channels on YouTube? Do you have your own channel? Do not hesitate to give your opinion in the comments.

A Quick addition for all people who don't read french: Get somebody to translate for you the above text and don't bother to comment if you don't understand what this is all about.

04/02/2013 - 20:44 MOCs

The Great Pit of Carkoon by A Plastic Infinity

La Jabba barge 2013 version has not finished talking about her ... For good or for bad. We should also have access to real photos of the set in a (almost) final version within a week at the New York Toy Fair 2013.

All I remember for now is that it is equipped with flick fire missiles, in keeping with the great LEGO tradition. For the rest I am waiting to see something other than the preliminary images from the reseller catalog.

In the meantime, I suggest that you get everyone to agree with this micro-barge and this micro-skiff, both around a micro-pit.

Although on reflection, even at this scale, I'm sure I can find someone to criticize the bow of the barge ... 

It is an achievement of A Plastic Infinity and other views are available on his flickr gallery.