76081 The Milano vs. The Abilisk

Because many of us will probably only buy these sets for the minifigs they contain, here are some close-ups of the different characters that ship in the three boxes based on the movie. Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2.

Above, Star-Lord, Groot, Gamora and Nebula from the set 76081 The Milano vs. The Abilisk, below Ayesha, Yondu, Star-Lord and Groot from the set 76080 Ayesha's Revenge and lower Taserface, Mantis and Rocket Raccoon which will be delivered in the set 76079 Ravager Attack.

Taking into account the public price of the sets, it will therefore be necessary to spend a little more than 120 € to collect these 12 minifigs (Two variants for Star-Lord and Groot).

76080 Ayesha's Revenge

76079 Ravager Attack

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