15/10/2011 - 17:59 MOCs

r5d8 hollander

You didn't necessarily know him, but R5-D8 has become much more popular since we know that he will be entitled to his LEGO version in the next set. 9493 X-Wing Starfighter (See the high definition visuals here), where he accompanies Jek Porkins aka Red 6.

The career of this Astromech droid will be short, he will manage to eject himself from the X-Wing of Porkins before it is destroyed but will end up in mush when the Death Star explodes in theEpisode IV: A New Hope.

Hollander delivers here a beautiful version under LEGO Digital Designer [LDD] of this droid and if he decides to make available an .lxf file of this realization, you can reproduce it and have it enthroned on your desktop ... in the meantime the minifig scale version scheduled for early 2012.

To follow the progress of this project, it's on Eurobricks that it happens.

Edit of 16/10/2011: Here is the .lxf file provided by Hollander for this MOC, you can download it at this address


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