23/11/2011 - 16:49 MOCs

Z56 Airspeeder by Hollander

Pieter Graaf alias Hollander is a prolific MOCeur who devotes himself more particularly to the joys of virtual MOC under LDD currently (See his Tantive IV, these are R5-D8 Astromech Droid and his Y Wing).

While visiting his MOCpages gallery, however, I came across a very real MOC: The Z56 Airspeeder, a fictional machine on the Star Wars theme. Well done, I find him a vague family resemblance with the 8128 Cad Bane's Speeder, probably because of the parts used on the fairing of the machine. the engines are well rendered, and give a nice impression of power to the whole. The central part of the engine is ingenious, you will also find close-ups in the MOCpages gallery by Pieter Graaf.

In another register, Hollander returns to his passion for creation under LDD with this quite successful A-Wing that he presents on Eurobricks. he should soon make an .lxf file available as he often does on this type of creation.

A-Wing by Hollander

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