21/02/2017 - 15:34 Lego news MOCs

chibz lego figures jimmy fortel

The fashion is on, and while LEGO fans are going with their BrickHeadz customs, others are trying to find an alternative to the latest LEGO range that is far from unanimous.

This is the case of Jimmy Fortel aka JBF who tries his hand at an alternative format with this pretty series of characters that he nicknamed the CHIBZs.

Everyone will have an opinion on this interpretation of the various Marvel and DC Comics super heroes, but personally, I prefer this vision more "cartoon" and more respectful of the proportions of the human body to that of LEGO. The faces of these CHIBZs are much more expressive than those of the official cubic figurines and each figurine is here equipped with real arms and real legs ...

Rather than flooding us with a few more BrickHeadz, Jimmy will have had the good idea to come up with an interesting alternative. And that is the real power of LEGO fans. Well done to him.

You can find these CHIBZ and many other creations of the artist on his flickr gallery or his website.

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