07/09/2011 - 19:23 Unclassified
Finally, here are the first images of the novelties expected for 2012 unearthed by Steine ​​Imperium (Flickr gallery). The photos are mostly blurry and taken from catalog scans. They all bear the mention CONFIDENTIAL and may disappear quickly.
I propose them to you below, directly hosted on the blog.
(Click on the images for a large version)

9488 9489 1
9488 ARC Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack
9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper Battle Pack

Nothing too exciting with these Battle Packs, four minifigs per Battle Pack (2 rebels and 2 imperial soldiers in set 9489 and 2 imperial soldiers and 2 droids in set 9488). The alibis in pieces are appalling, apparently a tree and a speeder bike for the 9489 set and a small cannon with firing station for the 9488 set. While the idea of ​​mixing two factions is excellent, the dressing of these sets remains uninteresting. .

9490 1
9490 Droid Escape
This set is already more interesting, the "Escape Pod" looks pretty well done, but I suspect the presence of meta-pieces. The Sand Troopers are friendly and have a mini vehicle really summed up in its simplest form. C-3PO and R2-D2, the main actors of this scene are obviously present.

9491 1
9491 Geonosian Cannon
Hopefully this set is only here in a really preliminary version: The barrel is simply shapeless and seems dressed in not really homogeneous colors .... After all, we will buy this set for the two Geonosian Fighters who have benefited from a quality remake. Order Gree is orange and one wonders why ???

9493 1
9493 X-Wing Starfighter

There, one can wonder if LEGO is not making fun of us a little: After the set 6212 which did not evolve during five long years, here is the new version of the X-Wing Fighter. The same wing deployment system, the same rubber bands and a set that is neither really innovative nor really beautiful, this is what LEGO offers us ... with to console us the minifigs of Luke, R2-D2, Porkins and R5-D8.

9494 1
9494 Anakins Jedi Interceptor 

Another set that is not really innovative, nor very visually appealing. The Interceptor is really similar to versions already released several years ago. Side minifigs, we will still be entitled to Anakin, Obi Wan Kenobi, R2-D2 (The Astromech droids are definitely very present in this wave of sets), Nute Gunray and a droid, all in Clone Wars version.
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