08/01/2012 - 18:32 MOCs

X-Wing by psiaki

If you don't have the set yet 9493 X-Wing Starfighter or that you do not intend to offer it to yourself, there is still a chance to have a new X-Wing in 2012: Mike psiaki has made available the instructions for his MOC and therefore allows you to reproduce this rather very well done vessel.

It's certain psiaki's Brickshelf gallery that it happens. There you will find many pictorial steps in the construction of this X-Wing and a list of necessary parts should be released soon. To stay informed about this parts list, visit psiaki's flickr gallery.


08/01/2012 - 10:47 Lego news

9494 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor What we noticed on the first reviews of this set is confirmed: There is a problem with the alignment of the screen printing with the Nute Gunray minifigure, which is still annoying given the price of the set and the level of finish that we are entitled to expect ...

At least two reviews clearly show this screen printing problem: Huw's on brick set and that of ZoomZoom on Eurobricks. In either case, I am surprised to see very little reaction to this issue in the midst of Awesome! and other Amazing! usual ...

Regarding the presence of Nute Gunray and the Security Droid in this set, it is not a coincidence as shown the back of the box, and those who have seen theEpisode III: Revenge of the Sith will understand ... I give you a clue with the video below (edited by a fan so that Anakin's saber is red by the way, and the rendering is superb). 

9494 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor


07/01/2012 - 17:21 MOCs

The Batcave by BeKindRewind

The Batcave is the emblematic place of the Batman saga: It concentrates most of the universe of the vigilante of Gotham City in a secret underground space and equipped with the most modern technologies.

BeKindRewind presents us his version of this place and the result is up to what we can expect from an MOC on which he spent several years (intermittently, I can assure you).

This MOC is largely inspired by the original Batcave from the set released in 2006: 7783 The Batcave: The Penguin and Mr. Freeze's Invasion which many AFOLs consider much better than the set 6860 The Batcave released a few days ago.

 BeKindRewind added its very personal touch to this creation with a host of details such as the spiral staircase at the entrance, the medical area, the trophy room or the safe ... Not to mention the secret door that allows the Batmobile to exit discreetly by the side of the rocky hill.

To discover this Batcave from every angle, go to BeKindRewind's Brickshelf gallery.


07/01/2012 - 16:28 LEGO Ideas

LEGO Cuusoo: What else?

We believed that we had reached the peak of the absurd with the hundreds of ridiculous projects posted on Cuusoo ... But nay, LEGO has just found the ultimate solution to give some seriousness to all this: Cuusoo will now be banned to children !!! Please note, not some children, but ALL children under 18 will no longer be welcome to present their ideas.

As of January 12, you must be at least 18 years old to be able to present a project, and 13 years old to be able to register and support projects, without being able to create one.

The project turning to the farce, LEGO had to react to maintain a little credibility to the whole. Between the MOCs pumped onto flickr or MOCpages and presented as new projects, petitions for the return of the Bionicle range, personal photos or settling of scores between TFOLs, Cuusoo had become a sort of uncontrollable arena.

From now on, he will have to be of age to be able to post a photo of his kids, to come and ask for a UCS from the Black Pearl or a license from The Simpsons .... I do not know if we will gain by the change ....

To learn more, read this declaration from the LEGO Cuusoo team and their reaction to the project  No to 18+! created by users (minors) unhappy with this ad, laughter ...


07/01/2012 - 01:12 MOCs

Captain America & Red Skull Bike Chase by CAB & Tiler

You already know these two custom minifigs: They are the ones that you presented here (Captain America) et there (Red Skull), produced by Christo (CAB).

Calin stages them here with two superb motorcycles in a frantic chase. The Red Skull motorcycle is fitted with custom chrome parts and the two machines are the result of an ingenious assembly using a few original parts judiciously used.

The photo itself is a model of its kind, the lighting and the staging are simply breathtaking.

For other views of these machines and minifigs, go to CAB & Tiler's flickr gallery.