09/02/2012 - 09:17 Lego news

Lego offices

It is now a habit, periodically LEGO invites a few visitors to discover its premises in Billund, Denmark. Following these organized visits, the web is teeming with clichés showing the side Ikea cool et google like, of these premises in which designers work dressed as if they were going to cover the La Redoute catalog.

It is the portal of Free which publishes this time a series of photos with slides, sofas, ultra-design spaces, etc ... in short, a nice communication stunt that allows LEGO to cultivate its side cool-hype-studious atmosphere-respect for employees, etc ....

On one of these shots, the slightly psycho-rigid AFOLs that we are can notice a few gear wisely aligned in a showcase judiciously highlighted by the photographer who is no doubt very inspired. We thus discover a bust of Watto (blue circle), a UT-AT (green circle) or Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport seen in theEpisode III Revenge of the Sith , a probe droid and a medical droid (white circle) as well as the now famous-but-never-marketed set Yavin IV (orange circle). Prototypes awaiting validation, failed tests of sets never marketed, products to come in the near future or not? Who knows....

The window in question is also full of pretty things that I let you discover by clicking on the image. To see the rest of the photo report, go to the Free portal or site dezeen.com.

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