12/02/2012 - 23:29 Lego news

Queen Amidala & Boba Fett

A past master in the art of selling us minifigs in a box with a few parts, LEGO has understood the interest of its customers for the most anticipated characters from the Star Wars universe in 2012. The two flagship minifigs of this new wave of sets are undoubtedly the two important characters of the saga, Queen Amidala and the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett, which will be delivered in their most iconic outfits: Amidala finally available in a ceremonial outfit perfectly interpreted in LEGO sauce and Boba Fett with his look inevitably reminiscent of the version of the set 10123 Cloud City released in 2003 and became famous as much for its rarity as for its screen-printed legs. I even wonder if LEGO isn't giving us a voluntary wink on this ...

2012 is the year of minifigs, with beautiful, never-before-seen versions of much-desired characters and interesting updates to great classics well known to collectors. The appearance of characters from the Star Wars The Old Republic game universe is also a plus, which revives the interest of the most jaded among us for minifigs and awakens the spirit of collection even among those who seemed invaded by weariness over the waves of sets. 

The two sets containing these Queen Amidala and Boba Fett minifigs will not be unaffordable big sets or any exclusives, and there is no need to worry about their future availability. However, we can bet that these two versions will not be distributed in several sets over the months and they should still become relatively rare over the years. We should not hesitate to get them as soon as they come out to avoid paying a high price for them as soon as these sets are removed from the shelves of our favorite stores.


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