20/07/2012 - 00:07 MOCs

Geonosis Base: Battle of the 3 Commanders by republicattack

Because it's not all ship MOCs or micro-scale versions in life, you have to get that feeling every now and then that makes you say to yourself: "Ah yes, still, there is room on this MOC ..."

Republicattack, a young 14-year-old MOCeur, has embarked on a large-scale project. His diorama on Geonosis is rather LEGOphage and the project is progressing slowly, depending in particular on the supply of parts as the MOCeur himself says. He plans to stage a slew of ships and gear from official sets in the attack on this imposing base. A good hundred droids accompanied by a few squads of geonosians will come to face some sections of clones.

It remains to be seen how Republicattack will flesh it out and refine the level of detail. The base (not the building) is there and it is good. From now on it is a work of precision which awaits the MOCeur to give it a little more density.

If you want to know more about this promising project of a motivated young MOCeur, go to the dedicated topic at BrickPirate, Republicattack comments on his work, the others give him some advice, the atmosphere is quite nice.

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