29/07/2012 - 22:33 MOCs

The Wild Karrde - Expanded Universe

All fans of the Extended Universe will undoubtedly appreciate seeing the Wild Karrde reproduced in LEGO, the ship of the smuggler Talon Karrde which makes its first appearance in Heir to the Empire (Thrawn's Trilogy). Without going into the specifics of the type's history, let's just say that this ship has been discreetly reinforced to be able to withstand attacks and is equipped with three retractable turbolaser cannons ...

In short, those who know the machine will appreciate, the others will learn about everything that surrounds this vessel with original shapes and colors that change us from the eternal gray too sad, and which is here very well reproduced if we trust the different sources. visuals that can be found in two mouse clicks on the internet.

Nice work that deserves a look and the MOCeur in question, who calls himself LukeClarenceVan The Revanchist will show you more on its MOCpages space.

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