75238 Action Battle Endor Assault

Today we are interested in the LEGO Star Wars set 75238 Action Battle Endor Assault (193 pieces - € 29.99), one of the three boxes that this year is launching the new fun concept "Action Battle"in which we therefore find the two projectile launchers which allow targeting the opponent's targets and trigger the ejection of an opposing character.

This box features the planet Endor, with the ewok Wicket on one side and a Scout Trooper on the other. To enhance the battlefield, LEGO delivers two constructions that put us (a little) in the mood with a monitoring station perched on a tree and a support for the Speeder Bike provided. Each of these elements hides an ejection mechanism that kicks in when the missile hits the red or blue target.

I said it already in my test of the set 75239 Action Battle Hoth Generator Attack, the principle of this real layer of interactivity added to a construction toy is interesting in theory. In practice, I find it here to be infinitely sad.

75238 Action Battle Endor Assault

The treehouse is rather successful, we find all the attributes of the constructions that made the success of the excellent set 10236 Ewok Village released in 2013. Wicket can stand in front of the guardrail while waiting to be ejected by the Scout Trooper missile. It's funny. Once.

To get revenge, Wicket can then go and unseat the Scout Trooper who walks casually in the forest on his Speeder Bike. This is not the best interpretation by LEGO of the machine, far from it, but the designer undoubtedly wanted to obtain a construction easily embedded on the provided support. If Wicket's missile hits the target, the mount in question tips over and the Speeder Bike falls.

75238 Action Battle Endor Assault

The two guns are still very basic, and LEGO makes no particular effort to integrate these large gray pieces. At a minimum, it would have been fashionable to offer the same piece in a brown color to match the ambiance of the set. After all, the launch of a new concept must be accompanied by efforts on the presentation of the thing. Dreaming a little, an AT-ST integrating the missile launcher and a tree with the cannon hidden in the trunk would have been even more attractive. But as we are already at 30 € in the state, I dare not imagine the public price of a more bushy set.

The more I "play" with these sets Action Battle, the more it seems to me that the various mechanisms which react to the impact of the missile are too simple to be really convincing. There is no chain reaction or combined effects (for example the tree which opens in two and the minifigure which is ejected) and that is a pity.

The Tiles Pad printed used to identify the two opposing camps in this box are identical to those delivered in the sets 75239 Action Battle Hoth Generator Attack et 75241 Action Battle Echo Base Defense. LEGO does not leave much room for the eventual scalability of the set and those who consider that it is still possible to flesh out the thing by inventing other mechanisms will have to look to the aftermarket for a few copies of both. pad printed targets, just to obtain an aesthetically coherent playset.

75238 Action Battle Endor Assault

On the minifig side, the Scout Trooper is brand new, at least when it comes to the helmet, torso and legs. The minifigure is very successful and with this superb new helmet molded in two colors, it gives a big boost to the many previous versions. The character's head is the one already available in more than a hundred sets marketed so far. The outfit is generally consistent with those of the soldiers seen on the screen even if this time it lacks a few white areas on the arms to reproduce the various protections.

The Wicket minifigure is identical to the one delivered in the set 10236 Ewok Village marketed in 2013. The pad printing of the bear's face is really very successful.

75238 Action Battle Endor Assault

I did not dare to put my son to work to observe his reaction to the contents of this box. I'm not abusing his patience, I will need him on other issues. As far as I'm concerned, I think it's way too expensive for a set that features an interesting idea but which saves money.

What could have been fun and amusing here becomes almost out of date, especially since this box whose action takes place on Endor is not the extension of a larger set as is the case for the reference 75239 Action Battle Hoth Generator Attack which enhances the content of the set 75241 Action Battle Echo Base Defense which we will talk about in the next few days.

It's without me, and I hope the new Scout Trooper delivered here will make an appearance in a somewhat more convincing future set.

Note: The set shown here, supplied by LEGO, is included as usual. To participate in the draw, all you have to do is post a comment (avoid "I participate, I try, etc ..." be a little more constructive) on this article before the June 3, 2019 at 23:59 p.m.. You have every right to disagree with me, this is not eliminatory.

Update : The winner was drawn and was notified by email, his nickname is indicated below. Without a response from him to my request for contact details within 5 days, a new winner will be drawn.

Spectreman - Comment posted the 27/05/2019 at 10:12


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