16/02/2012 - 11:34 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

9471 Uruk-Hai Army

The flagship of this Lord of the Rings range, in this case the set 9474 The Battle Of Helm's Deep will need reinforcements in terms of minifigs. And that's where the set comes in 9471 Uruk-Hai Army with his 6 minifigs including 4 Uruk-Hai, a generic Rohirrim Soldier and Eomer, Théoden's nephew and king of Rohan, with his golden helmet.

This set which almost looks like a well supplied Battle Pack delivers all the elements to allow to give some density to the 9474 with a well designed catapult and a piece of wall generic enough to be duplicated and intended to be connected to the fortifications of set 9474 . 

Expected at the US price of $ 29.99 or around thirty euros with us, this mega Battle Pack should quickly become a bestseller among army-builders keen to reenact the epic battle of Helm's Deep. The necessary budget will however be substantial and not within the reach of all budgets.

The photos are from FBTB, you can find more about this set in the flickr gallery dedicated.

9471 Uruk-Hai Army

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