06/03/2012 - 19:41 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

thelordoftherings.lego.com - Uruk-Hai, Gollum & Ringwraith

LEGO continues relentlessly uploading presentations long awaited minifigs from the Lord of the Rings range. On the menu these days, Gollum, that I had shamefully forgotten, a Nazgal ou ringwraith and Uruk-hai

The more I see these 3D renderings, the more I tell myself that in the end, all this teasing is very well organized to make customers' mouths water. Between the mini sites, video animations, 3D renderings, catalogs and box design, LEGO knows how to highlight its products, at the risk of creating a kind of general mini-disappointment when unpacking the set.  

If we look in detail at the visuals of the boxes of the Lord of the Rings range (This is also valid for the other ranges), we quickly realize that the substance of the staging has a lot to do with the staging. value of plastic. Once on the shelves of your favorite stores, attracted by these ultra-luscious visuals, you buy a staging, with all its possibilities, and its part of dreams ...

But admit that the Mines of Moria on the living room table with its pretty red and white checkered tablecloth or Helm's Deep on the blue low-pile carpet in the bedroom, it immediately makes you feel worse ...

In short, marketing is obviously king, and over the months of cleverly conducted teasing, a product is visually printed in its most idealized form.

Unpacking the long-awaited set is a bit like a hangover after an evening of drunkenness: It's hard and sometimes we regret having committed some excess ....

Moreover, this is my question of the day: Have you ever been frankly disappointed after buying a set and waiting for more, without really knowing what, than the few bits of plastic it contains?


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