DC Minifigs by Julian Fong

You have to put back this photo on which I just spent long minutes trying to recognize each character and which dates from 2010 in its context: Julian Fong alias levork created all of these minifigs long before LEGO announced the Superheroes range .... 

Aquaman, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Red Arrow, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Flash and many more are gathered here in a family photo that we would love to be able to do soon with the official LEGO minifigs. But let's not dream too much, the Superheroes range is not going to be so exhaustive ....

To learn more about these minifigs and their design, visit levork's flickr gallery, you will learn a lot about these creations that have inspired many fans to in turn create custom versions of the most famous heroes of the DC Comics universe.

Special mention for the version below of SuperGirl, cousin of Superman ...

SuperGirl by Julian Fong

Megabloks vs Lego

I may alienate some of you, but I have to write this article. You probably already know, MegaBrands has had the Marvel license since 2004 in its range. Mega Blocksir?t=amazon0f3 21&l=ur2&o=8. I would not launch the debate here on the quality of the range Mega Blocksir?t=amazon0f3 21&l=ur2&o=8 but I would venture on the other hand to a comparison between two ranges of direct competitors.

The Marvel range at the direct competitor of LEGO is clearly oriented towards mini sets sold at an affordable price and composed of either a minifigure and a vehicle (Marvel build vehicle) , is several miniatures from different factions and various and varied gear or backgrounds. There are also characters sold blind and individually in a bag under the name Marvel Character Buildingon the same principle as what we know with the series of collectible LEGO minifigs.

LEGO arrives in 2012 in this Marvel niche and will have to consider what its competitors are doing. Today, an original idea is quickly taken up or even plagiarized outright: Playmobil has just been released a range of characters to collect whose bag is strangely similar to that of the LEGO range.

LEGO will he mind the aging license of Mega Blocksir?t=amazon0f3 21&l=ur2&o=8 for its Marvel Superheroes range? I think so, to a certain extent. Yes Mega Blocksir?t=amazon0f3 21&l=ur2&o=8 is very poorly distributed in France, even in Europe, we must not forget that the brand is a hit in the United States and Canada. LEGO must take this into account and offer affordable products to those countries where the culture of superheroes far exceeds that of other licenses, Star Wars included. 

Will we see characters sold in sachets? Mini sets with a single character and a vehicle? I think so if the license lasts beyond the first year of operation. The sale of super heroes in sachets would make it possible to offer a very wide range of characters from the Marvel team, which has several hundred of them, beyond the most famous. Vehicles are also a good way to offer small sets at competitive prices. If we look beyond traditional and historical comics and are interested in cartoons for example, each super hero has his motorcycle, his flying machine, his car, his jetpack or his jet-ski ...

With the arrival of Disney at the helm, the Marvel license should take, in the opinion of all specialists, a turn even more general public than what we know and generate a cohort of derivative products intended for the youngest who do not. weren't necessarily the intended audience for the original comics. LEGO, like all manufacturers holding this license, will have to follow suit and meet market expectations. After all, who predicted that LEGO would launch a Star Wars rangeir?t=amazon0f3 21&l=ur2&o=8 based on mini planets resembling a pokeball?


The Avengers 2012 - Official Helicarrier Concept Art

Still in the series: We are given names of sets but we do not really know what they will contain ..., The Marvel range planned for 2012 offers us the set 6868 bearing the extremely mysterious name of: Hulk's Helicarrier Breakout translated by Amazon in French by: The Hulk's Helicarrier Escape.... And there, I think Amazon made a big mistake while translating the name of this set.

Indeed, the Helicarrier is a very well known machine in the world of the Avengers and SHIELD It is a species of flying aircraft carrier (and helicopters) built among others by Tony Stark and declined like the Quinjet in multiple variants (8 in total) over the various comic book publications.

SHIELD headquarters, the Helicarrier, originally slated to make an appearance in Iron Man 2, will play a role in the upcoming film The Avengers as evidenced by these artworks which were published on many sites then hastily removed and these informations about a scene in the film whose script would have filtered.
This script describes the dialogues of a scene in which the visibly pissed off Hulk and Black Widow struggle to get out of trouble aboard the Helicarrier which comes under attack. In the same scene, Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Captain America make their way through the debris-strewn hallways towards the engine room.

You see what I mean ? A playset with a hallway, a machine room, 4 minifigs .... Or not. 

Despite everything, there remains the possibility that the Hulk will escape with his acolytes in a helicopter, which would give us a flying machine in this set which should still contain several super heroes.

It's hard to draw conclusions based on so little evidence, but one thing is certain, these sets will reveal a lot of the film's elements if released before the official release, which I doubt.

On the other hand, the inevitable stolen photos which will undoubtedly be found on the Internet within a few weeks will certainly deliver slices of scenario.

The Avengers 2012 - Official Helicarrier Concept Art

 The Avengers 2012 - Quinjet Concept Art

In the expected list for 2012 of sets of the LEGO Superheroes range based on the Marvel license is the reference 6869 Quinjet Aerial Battle. Presumably based on the film universe The Avengers whose release is scheduled for the month of May 2012, this set will therefore contain the famous Quinjet, the machine used by the Avengers to move.

Many versions have been proposed in various comics retracing the adventures of the Avengers. Designed by Black Panther's Wakanda Design Group, this craft was assigned to members of SHIELD and the Avengers. Tony Stark aka Iron Man was also in possession of three experimental copies of the most recent version of this device.

But if we consider that this set will be directly inspired by the film, then we must turn to these preliminary artworks to have a first idea of ​​the shape of this airplane equipped with Turbojet engines and capable of reaching Mach 2.1.

As usual with LEGO, we must base ourselves on the selling price of the set to try to guess the density of its content ... With a price of 83.30 € for 735 pieces, we are therefore entitled to expect a machine fairly detailed accompanied by 3 or 4 minifigs. As this is an aerial battle, we must also expect a priori another flying machine, that of the bad guys. Unless LEGO gives us the shot of the crash zone defended by the super heroes against the villains in Loki's pay: shooting photos of the film confirm that the Quinjet crashes in an urban environment. However, the word Aerial in the name of the set reassures me a little about this, but you never know ...

For information and for comparison with a flying machine we all know, the LEGO Star Wars set 9493 X-wing Starfighter is sold at 69.70 € for 560 pieces and 4 minifigs.

The Avengers 2012 - Official Quinjet Artwork

lego preorder

This is the Australian merchant site Hobbyco which offers for pre-order all the new LEGO products to be released including the entire supposed 2012 range .... We can discover the entire Superheroes range which we already know the part dedicated to DC Universe and here are the sets Marvel which are advertised on this site (Prices are indicated in Australian $ and 1 EUR = 1.36 $ AUD):

LEG6865 Super Heroes - Cpm America Avenging Cyc. - $ 24.95 
LEG6866 Super Heroes - Wolverine Chopper S / down - $ 49.95 
LEG6867 Super Heroes - Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape - $ 49.95 
LEG6868 Super Heroes - Hulk's Helicarrier B / out - $ 99.95 
LEG6869 Super Heroes - Quinjet Aerial Battle - $ 129.95 

For information, the list of sets DC Universe

LEG6858 Super Heroes - Catwoman Catcycle City - $ 24.95
LEG6860 Super Heroes -The Batcave - $ 129.95
LEG6862 Super Heroes - Superman Vs Pow.Armor Lex - $ 39.95 
LEG6863 Super Heroes - Batwing Batt / Gotham City - $ 59.95
LEG6864 Super Heroes - Batwing & Two Face Chase - $ 99.95

We also find the series of Ultrabuild in preorder, so far everything is fine:

LEG4526 Ultrabuild - Batman - $ 22.95
LEG4527 Ultrabuild - The Joker - $ 22.95
LEG4528 Ultrabuild - Green Lantern - $ 22.95 
LEG4529 Ultrabuild - Iron Man - $ 22.95
LEG4530 Ultrabuild - Hulk - $ 22.95
LEG4597 Ultrabuild - Captain America - $ 22.95

The only clue that makes me doubt this list, however credible at first glance, is that this site also announces the minifigs series 6 & 7 in preorder ..... I would gladly understand that the series 6 is about to be released, but about the series 7 I am more than doubtful, unless it turns out that the two series are planned at one or even two months apart:

LEG8827 Minifigures Series 6 - $ 3.95 
LEG8831 Minifigures Series 7 - $ 3.95

In short, we can calmly stay calm and drink cool, while waiting to learn more about these sets. Marvel whose cryptic names filled with abbreviations give us little indication of their content .....