29/11/2012 - 10:31 Lego news

LEGO Galaxy Squad 70700 Space Swarmer

LEGO Galaxy Squad 70700 Space Swarmer

New images are available for this range which I already appreciate a lot.

Unfortunately, but I hope I am wrong, I am afraid that it will not be distributed in France through the usual channels and we will have to be satisfied with online merchants like amazon to get these sets.

I also think that this range will be confined to a single wave. No promotional campaign has yet been launched by LEGO on this new theme, which follows in the footsteps of the Alien Conquest range in terms of marketing.

This is all pure speculation on my part, of course.

LEGO Galaxy Squad 70701 Swarm InterceptorLEGO Galaxy Squad 70701 Swarm Interceptor
LEGO Galaxy Squad 70702 Warp StingerLEGO Galaxy Squad 70702 Warp Stinger
LEGO Galaxy Squad 70703 Star SlicerLEGO Galaxy Squad 70703 Star Slicer
LEGO Galaxy Squad 70704 Vermin VaporizerLEGO Galaxy Squad 70704 Vermin Vaporizer
LEGO Galaxy Squad 70705 Bug ObliteratorLEGO Galaxy Squad 70705 Bug Obliterator

28/11/2012 - 23:14 Lego news

LEGO Star Wars Planet Series 4

Uploading by amazon of a large part of the novelties in 2013 allows us to obtain new visuals, some of which are unpublished.

We thus discover a little more closely the series 4 of the Planet Series range and my impression after discovering the visuals of the series 3 is confirmed: It's a great job from the manufacturer: It's creative, original and it makes you want to collect all these planets.

Certainly the B-Wing of the set 75010 Endor & B-Wing does not reach the level of that of Breizh Builder, one of the winners of the My Own Planet contest, but it's still very satisfying.

I love the Snowspeeder in the set 75009 Hoth & SnowSpeeder and the Tantive IV of the set 75011 Aldeeran & Tantive IV gets away with honors.

As for the planets, it's varied and colorful, that's fine with me .... As for the minifigs, only the B-Wing Pilot really interests me on this 4th wave. The rest is not very exciting.

28/11/2012 - 14:26 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level

You do what you want with it, but the info is worth posting here:

jhc2nmfn posted on his flickr gallery photos from the bonus level of the LEGO Lord of the Rings video game.

In this level you play as Sauron and you must more or less destroy everything in your path.

Except that during the progression, you will cross the path of buildings well known to fans of the Lord of the Rings range since these are the different sets already released: 9472 Attack on Weathertop, 9473 The Mines of Moria et 9474 The Battle Of Helm's Deep.

You will also discover some other places and buildings that could well be the next sets of the range in 2013 ...

I took the trouble to crop these poor quality images and improve the contrast in order to offer them to you below (click on the thumbnails).

I'll leave it to you to draw your own conclusions and I apologize for the above image that hurts your eyes ....

LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level
LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level
LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level
LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level
LEGO Lord of the Rings Video Game: Middle-Earth Bonus Level
28/11/2012 - 10:46 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

First TV commercial for The Hobbit range

Let's go for an advertising campaign featuring the new sets from The Hobbit range.

We find here two of the sets from the end of 2012: 79002 Attack of the Wargs et 79003 An Unexpected Gathering.

As usual, it's superbly done and it makes you want to buy ... After all, that's what it was for.


27/11/2012 - 22:46 Lego news

LEGO Star Wars 75014 Battle of Hoth

Forward for the visuals of the set, which we didn't know much about so far: 75014 Battle of Hoth.

This is the site exoforce.ru who had already uploaded the description of the set that publishes these images.

On the menu, a Snowspeeder, a Speederbike, shovel minifigs (5 aligned on the box but 6 in action and 7 on the visual), blasters, a communication turret, a Tauntaun, a Probe Droid, in short, a great Battle Pack.

(Thanks to Anak in the comments)

LEGO Star Wars 75014 Battle of Hoth