30/06/2013 - 23:33 Lego news Shopping

It has become so rare that when a LEGO product comes out in French, I have to mention it: The LEGO Batman movie Super Heroes Unit and the illustrated encyclopedia accompanied by the Batman minifig in version Electro Suit are finally available in French at amazon.

The cover visual presented above is a preliminary version, the final product will be identical to the English version (See here).

No Clark Kent minifigure with the DVD, but it's still better than nothing.

To pre-order the LEGO Batman Super Heroes Unity Movie DVD (€ 9.99) click here.

The DVD, which will be released for July 3, is also available for pre-order, still without a collector's minifig, for € 10 on fnac.com (Click here).

To pre-order the LEGO Batman illustrated encyclopedia (€ 20.86) click here.

(Thanks to norton for his email alert)

30/06/2013 - 17:39 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

A few pieces, a nice staging and voila: Orthanc (from set 10237) becomes Barad-tough the fortress of Sauron surmounted by the eye of the villain who scans Middle-earth.

Nice and simple idea of lego gel which has its effect.

Meeting on his flickr gallery to discover a view of the assembly of the Eye of Sauron before shooting and staging in Mordor sauce with two light bricks from sets of the LEGO Lord of the Rings range.

30/06/2013 - 15:54 Lego news

Some info on the two new upcoming LEGO Minecraft sets that I told you about a few weeks ago (See this article).

We therefore learn that the next two sets of what thus becomes a mini-range would be identified under the following names: 21105 LEGO Minecraft: The Nether (Game Hell with lava and dark rocks) and 21106 LEGO Minecraft: The Village (A set of Tan colored dwellings occupied by the NPCs in the game).

It will probably be two boxes of the same size as the set 21102 LEGO Minecraft Micro World released in 2012 and then sold at the public price of 34.99 €.

LEGO has yet to officially confirm a release date or retail price for these two sets.

30/06/2013 - 14:30 LEGO Star Wars

Olive Seon, a group of 4 South Korean fans specializing in high-flying diorama as evidenced this flickr gallery, has uploaded many photos of his latest Star Wars creation and it must be recognized that this base is a luxury display for AT-ATs, AT-RTs and other Republic Gunships...

The photo above is a general view of the thing, but if you take a few minutes to go and find out the many close-ups from this database, you will see like me that it is teeming with staging details, each more interesting than the next ...

It's always better than a simple shelf to showcase our vessels ...

(Thanks to 1fan for his email)

30/06/2013 - 13:48 Lego news

The heroes of DC Universe join the characters Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Toy Story, Monster Fighters, Ninjago or even Legfends of Chima in the Alarm Clocks department in the form of giant minifigures with the arrival of Batman, Superman and the Joker.

These products are actually made by Click Time which also produces the watches under the LEGO license.

You will find most of the models already sold on amazon in the dedicated section of pricevortex.com.