13/06/2013 - 23:30 Shopping

LEGO Star Wars 10188 Death Star

Since we're talking about the set 10188 Death Star which is offered to the winner of the contest organized by LEGO (See this article), here it is again for less than 300 € on amazon.fr.

Be careful, there are only 13 copies left at the time of this writing, and my little finger tells me that this set of more than 3800 pieces and 24 minifigs released in 2008 will not stay in the LEGO catalog for very long.

Click on the image above or on the price below to access the product sheet at amazon or go through pricevortex.com to discover other great LEGO tips.

10188 Death Star 299.99 €

(Thanks to BatBrick115 for his email alert)

13/06/2013 - 23:15 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

LEGO Lord of the Rings - The Black Gate

He just talked about it in the comments but it deserves a mention here: Khalim offers an improved version of the Black Gate (Black gate) designed only with parts from two copies of the set 79007 Battle at the Black Gate.

It's a great job, the final rendering is excellent and the gentleman is not selfish since he even offers you to download the LDD file (to be used under Lego digital designer) of this MOC / MOD.

It is true that you have to afford two copies of the 79007 set to achieve this result, but the game is well worth the effort. No more frustration of having half a door, here is the version with two leaves and with two watchtowers!

It's more expensive, but it's prettier.

Further views of Khalim's work on his flickr gallery. The LDD file is to download at this address.

13/06/2013 - 22:36 LEGO Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars Father's Day ChroniclesWhen it's bad, you have to say it, but when it's good, you also have to talk about it ...

And LEGO pleasantly surprises me with an operation entitled Chronicles of Father's Day and a competition open exclusively to French fans (mainland France only, too bad for the others).

The principle is simple: Imagine in 3 pages maximum and using the Comic builder Father's Day of a character from the LEGO Star Wars range, send this mini-chronicle to LEGO and win (maybe) one of the 5 prizes involved.

The winner will see their story adapted on a LEGO video and receive the set 10188 Death Star, the 2nd and the 3rd of the classification will be offered the set 10225 R2-D2, and finally the 4th and 5th will win a set 75109 AT-TE.

A great endowment for a competition that does not need to be an outstanding MOCeur or a brilliant and inspired creative. The Comic builder It may seem difficult to master at first, especially for the youngest, but you get used to it quickly.

The competition is organized by the French branch of LEGO, entries must be sent before July 10, 2013 and a jury made up of members of the LEGO team and Lucasfilm staff will be responsible for choosing 5 the winning stories.

The criteria used to select the winners are the creativity, originality, humor and integrity of the column in relation to the universe of the Star Wars saga.

Please note, for the proposed chronicle to be taken into account, it must be limited to a place, a setting, three characters and three pages maximum for a total duration of 10 seconds once adapted in video.

The site of the operation: chroniclesdelafetedesperes.fr.

13/06/2013 - 19:44 LEGO Star Wars

Star Wars The Clone Wars

Do we have a chance to discover on the Blu-ray edition of season 5 the never-released episodes of season 6 of the animated series The Clone Wars recently canceled by Disney?

Perhaps, if we are to believe the words of Kevin Kiner, composer of the soundtrack of the series who declared a few days ago as part of the podcast of Full of Sith "... We have about ten shows that we're still working on that are going to be part of the special material. And even, hopefully, there's going to be a soundtrack record as a part of this special material… They're in negotiations about that so we're not positive that's going to happen ..."

Nothing says that this is indeed the ten episodes of season 6 that have already been produced (3 aRCS relating to Plo-Koon / Sifo-Dyas, Yoda and Order 66?), but Dave Filoni announced in March in a video (See this article) that these episodes would be broadcast (one day) as a bonus ... 

Case to be continued therefore, even if at this stage, nothing is confirmed. We will certainly know more during Celebration Europe II at the end of July.

13/06/2013 - 08:10 Lego news

The Wolverine (2013)

The trailer of the day is that of The Wolverine with a Hugh Jackman overflowing with testosterone, ninjas everywhere, mutants, the Silver Samurai, Viper aka Madame Hydra and action galore. Released July 24, 2013.

LEGO's (Desperate) Request of the Day: Just a movie-inspired box with a few minifigs including Wolverine in white marcel, a Silver Samurai and Viper. If LEGO wants to add a motorcycle, a car, a bicycle or a hang-glider just to fill the box, no problem, I'll take it too.