18/06/2012 - 10:29 Shopping

lego star wars 2012 9496 9497 9498 9499 9500 9515 9516

And we can say that it is better to look at our European neighbors so as not to be had ...

I have compiled for you below the sets of the LEGO Star Wars 2012 range at amazon, in France, in Spain, in Germany and in Italy (to answer your many requests received by email). Simply click on the price to access the set sheet on the relevant Amazon version. 

You can use your French account on each version of Amazon. Your payment method entered at amazon.fr will also be valid in other countries. The delivery is done in a classic way, and we are in the European community: No bad surprises on delivery.

Bookmark this page if you want to be able to come back to it regularly, I update it as often as possible. If you notice a price difference, please report it in the comments.


Find the summary page of the best prices at amazon in real time at this address: Amazon prices

18/06/2012 - 10:01 Shopping

LEGO Super Heroes Marvel 2012

And we can say that it is better to look at our European neighbors so as not to be had ...

I have compiled for you below the sets of the LEGO Super Heroes 2012 range at amazon, in France, in Spain, in Germany and in Italy (to answer your many requests received by email). Simply click on the price to access the set sheet on the relevant Amazon version. 

You can use your French account on each version of Amazon. Your payment method entered at amazon.fr will also be valid in other countries. The delivery is done in a classic way, and we are in the European community: No bad surprises on delivery.

Bookmark this page if you want to be able to come back to it regularly, I update it as often as possible. If you notice a price difference, please report it in the comments.


Find the summary page of the best prices at amazon in real time at this address: Amazon prices

17/06/2012 - 19:07 In my opinion...

LEGO novelties at the best price

lego department store

I'm like most of you, I love hanging out in the toy aisle of stores. I feel at ease there, in my element. I discover all these novelties there that still make me want and I marvel at the ingenuity of manufacturers in this constantly evolving field.

But I also noticed a strange reaction on my part: For most of the brands, I look like a child, with the desire to play, to handle, to bring these toys to life. When I arrive in front of the LEGO department, my gaze changes. I stare at each box with a different feeling, as if I have a different regard for them, as if I suddenly become more observant, more concerned, less playful ...

This change in attitude always surprises me. I like playing with my LEGOs, seeing my son assemble a set, invent a ship, shake a box to gauge the density of its contents ... But I'm also always more careful with my LEGOs than with other toys that populate the rooms of my children.

I place more value on the few plastic bricks or minifigs in my collection than on the youngest's Spider-Man figurine or the older ones' beloved spinning tops. Even they sometimes find it difficult to understand the respect I give to the LEGOs in my collection, because after all, to them, they are just toys like any other. They find it hard to understand why I care about the instruction booklets, or why I take care not to damage a box, especially when throwing away without complexes the packaging of other toys, sometimes much more expensive, after a feverish unpacking on Christmas morning ...

This strange behavior doesn't bother me. It sometimes shocks, all things considered, my entourage, but I always find a valid explanation to justify my relationship with LEGOs. 

Unlike many AFOLs today, I have very few childhood memories involving LEGOs. Even then, this toy was already very expensive, and buying LEGOs was a luxury that not all parents could afford. 

I didn't become AFOL out of nostalgia, I don't have much to say about my childhood with LEGOs, and I didn't feel like I had experienced a Dark Age, that slump in which LEGO fans cheat on their favorite toy.

All of this probably explains my current relationship with LEGOs: A kind of duality between desire to play and passion for collecting. Want to know this pleasant feeling of pain of the fingers which suffer from having handled too many bricks, but also to look for the older sets to complete a collection which already takes up too much space. 

I don't remember playing LEGOs as a kid, but I would remember making up for lost time as an adult.

And you ? what is your relation to lego? Players, collectors, designers, nostalgic, what is the value of these bits of plastic in your eyes?

16/06/2012 - 12:39 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Lego lord of the rings

The LEGO Lord of the Rings range (LEGO Señor de los Anillos in Spanish) is finally referenced on amazon.es at attractive prices. No supernatural reductions on this range for the moment, but it is the small savings here and there that allow us to offer ourselves even more ...

Sets are indicated as Temporary unavailable, i.e. temporarily not available, but the lower price at the time of availability will apply even if you pre-order at a higher rate. You will only be charged for shipping.

9469 Gandalf Arrives - €13.78
9470 Shelob Attacks - €23.14
9471 Uruk-Hai Army - €33.52
9472 Attack on Weathertop - € 51.71
9473 The Mines of Moria - €72.61
9474 The Battle Of Helm's Deep - 125.13 €

15/06/2012 - 20:42 Lego news

New LEGO Super Heroes at the best price

Avengers vs. X-Men Round I - Variant Edition

Talented artist, Mike Napolitan constantly amazes me with his quality work. He's releasing two new comic book covers converted to minifigure sauce, and once again it's very successful.

I have put you next to each of his creations the comic cover he was inspired by. The result is really convincing.

If you follow Brick Heroes, you have already seen some of his works in these columns. If you don't know his work, you can find the different tickets that I had posted about it and then go to his blog The Legion of Minifigs.

Amazing Fantasy - First Spider-Man Appearance