22/04/2012 - 18:40 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

6974 The Orc Forge Uruk-Hai

Leaks continue from the Mexican production plant with this Uruk-Hai apparently from the set 9674 The Orc Forge that a Eurobricks forumer bought at auction on eBay. You can also afford one at this address, the sale is still in progress ....

It would also appear that these brave LEGO employees are lining their pockets with various and varied parts, then trying to piece together the original minifigs with varying degrees of success. This gives us magnificent customs based on official coins which are then sold at a high price on eBay, no doubt to add a little meat to the evening fajita ...

The same seller, located in San Antonio, TX and arguably in the Mexican brick cartel loop, was offering a custom Legolas of the set 9473 The Mines of Moria, with legs that are not those that will be delivered in the official range and a priori the head of Gimli ...

9473 The Mines of Moria - Legolas

22/04/2012 - 18:03 MOCs

Iron Man Gantry Machine by choisanghun

Nice achievement by a member of the South Korean LEGO community with this representation freely inspired by the robot who assists Iron Man in his armor donning in the second installment of the eponymous saga.

This MOC has the merit of being original, of respecting the colors of the camera seen in the film and of bringing a little renewal in a field where the reviews of sets are jostling but where the MOCs are rare. We will probably have to wait for the film's release on April 25, 2012 at home (a week later for Americans) to see some creations inspired by the long-awaited blockbuster appear.

To see more about this MOC, go to stick_kim's flickr gallery who apparently took the photos on behalf of MOCeur.

21/04/2012 - 16:53 MOCs

Tatooine - Mos Eisley Docking Bay 94 by Bricknator

Those who have seen theEpisode IV: A New Hope Know this place in Mos Eisley: It hosts the Millennium Falcon on Tatooine, and the scene between Han Solo and Jabba discussing their business disputes takes place there as well.

Bricknator has reproduced this place in a very beautiful way and offers us a series of pretty photos taken from various angles that allow us to discover all the ingenuity put in place to design the curved walls.

If you want to know more about the history of this MOC and be able to take advantage of the many pictures taken during the construction of this Docking Bay 94, you will have to go to the forum ofImperium of Steine and help you with an online translator to understand what is being said (Unless you speak German ...)

Otherwise to enjoy only the many photos, it's on the Brickshelf gallery from Bricknator that you need to surrender.

20/04/2012 - 23:14 MOCs

Rodo's entry for the L13 competition n ° 14 on BrickPirate

Are you wondering what the hell is scaring this Stormtrooper? Rodo has the answer, and you'll have to surrender at this address to discover the entry he presents to the last L13 in progress on the topic head in the stars...

I hope he doesn't mind me for having deliberately cropped the image, but it's to keep the effect of surprise. This MOC filled with humor and details is worth taking a look at the dedicated topic of the BrickPirate forum

To find out about the other MOCs competing in this competition, go to this forum topic

20/04/2012 - 07:42 MOCs

Iron Man by Shawn Snyder

This is an excellent example of what a well-designed Action Figure should be ... Shawn Snyder offers here a very successful 43 cm tall Iron Man.

The density of the armor is convincing, the arms and legs are realistic and the proportions are respected overall. The arms and hands are articulated and the armor is adjustable at the shoulders for easy movement. The chest incorporates a light brick that can be removed to change the battery that powers it. the start-up is via a Technic pin, the head can perform some basic movements, and even the fingers are articulated ...

To see more, visit the flickr gallery by Shawn Snyder, you'll find plenty of views there.