12/03/2012 - 19:04 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Playmobil will attack me for the slogan, it's a foregone conclusion ...

In short, LEGO has uploaded 3 new bios on the site (or what should become the mini-site) from the Lord of the Rings range. (thank you Galaad)

So we find the Rohan Soldier, a Mordor Orc and Lurtz, the wicked Uruk-Hai. 

Just one thing, why does LEGO always feel compelled to twist the legs of these minifigs in such a ridiculous way? I'm not even talking about the torsos that find themselves in more than improbable positions. Even if they are 3D renderings, a little rigidity would not hurt, as with real minifigs, just not to make the youngest believe that their plastic characters will be able to take this kind of position ...


12/03/2012 - 16:28 Lego news

Another nice creation from Jared Burks (Fine Clonier) with this Black Widow custom.

Just a note: I really have trouble with the overly marked hip circumference on the minifigures depicting female characters. The optical effect of silkscreen printing is not sufficient and it would be high time to definitely switch to alternative torsos with bent hips as in product Arealight with his Curved Torso...

After all, LEGO knows how to produce new parts when someone in Billund decides to do so and I don't see why it would be difficult to feminize the range a little more. Especially since the manufacturer has just released figurines in the Friends range which display resolutely feminine shapes. Not that I'm denying the traditional minifigure as we know it, but I think a little bit of evolution in this area wouldn't hurt ....


12/03/2012 - 15:41 Lego news

The excellent mintinbox.net is currently running a competition for which you will not need to go around Wikipedia to find the answer to the question you are asked, nor to create the ultimate MOC ...

If you answer correctly (you won't have an excuse if you don't), you may be drawn and you can win all three Planet sets from Series 1: 9674 Naboo Starfighter and Naboo9675 Sebulba's Podracer and Tatooine et 9676 TIE Interceptor and Death Star.

You have until March 26, 2012 to participate by sending the answer to the question by email (see directly on the site mintinbox.net).


12/03/2012 - 09:42 MOCs

I was looking for a quality MOC of the Droideka and came across some pictures on a forum. One thing leading to another, I said to myself that this one had it all: Simple, well designed and articulated. Even if it dates from 2010, this Droideka deserves a little attention and its designer even offers the list of necessary parts to its assembly.

I take this opportunity to talk again here about the Droideka based on Bionicle parts proposed by True Dimensions a few months ago and whose I was talking to you on the blog.

To discover this version from every angle and in two different colors, go to the flickr gallery by lower_torso.

10/03/2012 - 13:40 MOCs

ACPin returns with an imposing diorama reproducing the scene seen in theEpisode I: The Phantom Menace. As usual, this staging is full of details and the finish is perfect. One can hardly hope for better when it comes to reproducing this scene from the film.

This diorama will be exhibited at two upcoming exhibitions in the USA, and should delight visitors. Once again ACPin gives a lesson in know-how in the field of large-scale diorama ...

To discover this scene in detail, go to ACPin website, he is not stingy with photos and the dedicated gallery is filled with shots from all angles.