28/01/2012 - 00:38 MOCs

Bat-truck-mobile by Lino M

The international Batmobile 2025 at LUGNuts is definitely an inexhaustible source of interesting MOCs.

You will tell me that the machine presented here is nothing like a Batmobile as we know it. And you're right, but I love this Batman-Art-Deco truck. Its massive and powerful side reminds me of all those trucks armored by a band of survivors fighting against vampires / zombies / etc ... that we see all year round on NT1 or TMC in more or less successful films ....

What if Gotham City becomes an area populated by the bloodthirsty undead? Batman would drop his carts to get behind the wheel of this truck and rush into the crowd.

To examine this Bat-truck-mobile in detail, it's on the flickr gallery of Lino M that it happens.


28/01/2012 - 00:26 MOCs

ARC-170 Starfighter by Martin Latta

You have already seen it elsewhere, and that's why I offer you a different photo than the one published everywhere ....

Martin Latta alias thire5 is a perfectionist. Talented MOCeur in the LOTR universe (see this article), he shows a certain talent in the reproduction of Star Wars ships. 

This ARC170 is simply breathtaking in detail and finish. For the record, LEGO has already produced this ship twice in the range. System with sets 7259 ARC-170 Fighter (2005) et 8088 ARC-170 Starfighter (2010), the latter being rather known to have wings which have an annoying tendency to bend slightly under the weight of the guns ....

Here, Martin Latta is clearly moving towards a faithful reproduction of the hunter seen in theEpisode III: Revenge of the Sith and whose X-Wing will become the worthy successor after the Clone Wars. The proportions are respected, the engines screaming with realism, and the wings in SNOT reinforce the model aspect of this MOC, which will however perhaps not please all the fans. 

To see more if you haven't already, take a little detour via the flickr gallery of thire5 and take the opportunity to discover or rediscover his bust of Terminator, it's impressive. 


Official The Avengers Merchandise PackagingAs you probably know, each range of derivative products for a film or a cartoon uses well-defined codes in terms of packaging imposed by the holder of the license concerned.

Thus for products derived from the Star Wars universe, a character from the saga is highlighted each year (Darth Maul in 2012) and is therefore found on all the boxes sold, regardless of the brand.

We still haven't seen a single image of a Marvel set, so I offer you two examples above of derivative products that will be marketed when the film is released in April 2012. Boxes of LEGO sets should use these codes. visuals with the Avengers logo in silver color and probably a montage of the troop of super heroes responsible for saving the world and filling Disney's coffers.


27/01/2012 - 23:44 MOCs

6862 Superman ™ vs. Power Armor Lex - 6862 MOD by Tereglith

Another questionable title, I know. 

Here is a MOD that I must present here, as it brings everything that the exoskeleton of Lex Luthor sorely lacks from the set 6862 Superman ™ vs. Power Armor Lex.

Tereglith has therefore added knees to this armor, which obviously allows greater mobility to the whole and allows new poses. The arms have been lengthened and dressed to give them more consistency, the torso has also been fleshed out to maintain a cohesive and well-proportioned whole.

Nice job of improvement on the part of Tereglith who also offers a whole series of well-felt photos featuring Lex Luthor and Superman. Go quickly on his flickr gallery, Well worth a look.


27/01/2012 - 21:34 MOCs

Gilcélio's Freezemobile

LUG Nuts is currently running a competition called "Batmobile: 2025"whose theme is quite simple: To propose a vehicle which would be the Batmobile (or the Machinmobile for that matter) of a hypothetical post-Nolan future. 

Gilcélio thus presents a truly original Freezemobile, both retro and futuristic, with its cannon seen 100 times in all those old science fiction films of the 70s, its trans-blue cockpit that evokes cold and ice and his wife Nora cryogenized in its box.

It also offers a Batmobile which already inspires me less, but which also has a few strengths to showcase. I let you discover it on the flickr gallery by Gilcélio.

To see the other entries in this competition, go to the discussion area of ​​the LUGNuts group on flickr.