07/11/2011 - 10:25 MOCs

AT-RT Moodland Scale by MooDSWIM

I introduced you his teaser a few days ago, and M <0> <0> DSWIM wasted no time in offering its highly anticipated AT-RT on the Miniland scale. It even allows it to be declined in three versions, the original one, then one in the colors of the 212th Attack Battalion (Orange), led by Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and finally a version in (Blue) colors of the 501st Legion also known as Vader's Fist.

Often skeptical about this Moodland ou Miniland Scale, I must admit that on this MOC the result is very satisfactory.
The ARF Trooper and its mount are sufficiently detailed without losing their kinship with the original models.
The AT-RT accommodates carefully chosen parts to reproduce every detail, the same parts that could not necessarily have been used on a smaller scale.
This MOC opens the door to more ambitious achievements on this scale and other emblematic vehicles of the saga would undoubtedly find their account.
The choice of parts is completely redefined by the scale and we get a little novelty and freshness in the variety of construction techniques, which is not to displease me.

For other views, quickly run on the flickr gallery de M <0> <0> DSWIM .


06/11/2011 - 22:00 MOCs

X-Wing by Rusty

He had presented his X-Wing MOC and I had appreciated it, despite some very personal criticisms about the staging and the nose of the machine.

Rusty is not the type to let himself be put down and his reaction is up to what I expected from a talented MOCeur who knows how to question himself and take advantage of criticism. The nose has been revised, and it finds a shape and colors closer to that of an X-Wing and the sides have also been thinned.

His X-Wing is therefore back after some modifications, and it must be recognized that the work carried out benefits this quality MOC. The crumpled tablecloth has also disappeared and we get a high class MOC well presented and with the added bonus of some really successful situation photos.

Hats off to the artist! To see more it's on Rusty's flickr gallery, or on his blog.

X-Wing by Rusty

06/11/2011 - 17:40 MOCs

Birth of Joker by lisqr

There are guys who take competitions very seriously, and lisqr is one of those. With his entry for category 1 of the competition Eurobricks Batman Contest, he has just set the bar very, very high for the other participants.

It presents the Axis Chemicals factory, where Red Hood will become the Joker by falling into a vat of toxic waste. We can also evoke the Jack Napier of Tim Burton's Batman who becomes the Joker following a bath in the same vat of toxic waste.

This MOC recreates the industrial atmosphere of the place well, with its pipes, grids, control dials and metal stairs while keeping a certain side comic. With a few well-chosen minifigs, it could even make a nice set from the Superheroes range ....

I let you go see the other photos of this pretty MOC, and you will discover on the dedicated topic at Eurobricks the vat in which the Joker became Batman's worst enemy ...

Birth of Joker by lisqr

06/11/2011 - 17:15 MOCs

Tantive IV by Kaitan

I come back to an MOC which is undoubtedly the most successful when it comes to the famous scene of the arrival of Darth Vader and his henchmen on the Tantive IV ou Rebel Blockade Runner, vessel carrying Leia Organa and commanded by Captain Antilles who will suffer the wrath of Vader.

Small precision precisely at the level of the name of this vessel of which LEGO has used the two names for the two sets released:  10019 UCS Rebel Blockade Runner (2001) et 10198 Tantive IV (2009). It is indeed the same vessel and the nickname of Rebel Blockade Runner comes from its use by Corellian smugglers to break down the imperial blockades .....

This MOC perfectly reproduces the sanitized atmosphere of the ship's corridors when it was taken by Vader. The use of new and still shiny LEGO parts is the key to this type of reflections on the floor of this type of MOC. The pale lighting is also one of the elements that make this scene a perfect recreation of the one in the film.

In the meantime, you can see other photos of this MOC on MOCpages and discover in particular a photo of the complete construction used for these scenes.

Tantive IV by Kaitan

06/11/2011 - 16:11 Lego news

As we never have enough, and we find it hard to go a month or two without spending a little money on our favorite passion, I got it into my head to search on Bricklink for some exclusive sets distributed over the years at San Diego Comic Con.

I do not regret the deadlock on Cube Dudes 2010 (selling price between 70 and 250 €) that I find awful and without particular interest or on the series of Collectible Display Set sold between 80 and 150 € each and which boil down to 3 minifigs stuck on a plate and packed in a box without much interest.

2008 SDCC - Comic Con Exclusive Clone Wars Set

I must say that the prices also honor the rarity of these two sets that I find more interesting: Comic Con Exclusive Clone Wars Set from 2008 and  Comic Con Brickmaster Pack of 2009.

First example: The Comic Con Exclusive Clone Wars Set sold for $ 75 at Comic Con 2008 and produced in 1200 copies. It contains 16 minifigs (1 x Captain Rex, 4 x Clone Troopers, 1 x Battle Droid Commander, 6 x Battle Droids and 4 x Super Battle Droids) and actually consists of sets 7670 Hailfire Droid & Spider Droid (2008) 7654 Droid Battle Pack (2007), to which were added Captain Rex and 4 x Clone Troopers. This exclusive set also includes a poster.

Its current selling price for a new MISB version varies between 134 and 250 € (i.e. a price multiplied by 3 in 3 years)  according to sellers on Bricklink.

sdcc2009 brickmaster

The other set that particularly appeals to me for its collector aspect is the Mini Republic Dropship Mini AT-TE Brickmaster Pack from 2009. Limited to 500 copies and sold for $ 49.99 at Sans Diego Comic Con in 2009, it is on sale today between 100 and 250 € on Bricklink.

It contains a Republic Drospship and an AT-TE for a total of 202 coins. I must admit that I am still hesitant to spend such sums on these two anecdotal sets, but which are all the same real sets in the LEGO spirit unlike other exclusive products at Comic Con in San Diego which are more promotional gadget ....