18/12/2011 - 19:43 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Let's go for a list of what could be the sets of the LOTR range for June 2012.

This list which is currently circulating everywhere, on forums and on Youtube (cf. TheLegoAdrian's comment on the previous article) was posted on 16/12 by Eurobricks forumer AllanSmith (see here), and a few hours later, another forumer, Cwetqo, confirmed the existence of these sets (see here:

9469 Gandalf Arrives
9470 Shelob Attacks
9471 Uruk-hai Army
9472 Attack on Weathertop
9473 The Mines of Moria
9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep
9476 The Orc Forge

The names are catchy and promising.

We will take care not to get carried away on this list before having confirmation from other sources, or before having access to the first preliminary visuals.

In addition, there is no point in getting excited about the names of these sets either, LEGO being the specialist in pompous names, to ultimately offer us sets that have little to do with what the AFOLs expected. ..

Obviously, just like you, I'm impatient to know the list of sets that will be offered to us. But more than just a simple list, I'd start jumping all over the place when the first visuals pop up.

In the meantime, since we still don't know anything, let me illustrate this article with a photo relating to Peter Jackson's next film: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey...

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