10/08/2013 - 10:13 Lego news Lego the simpsons

Since the announcement of the arrival in 2014 of LEGO products bearing the image of the Simpsons, opinions have been divided on the interest of declining this license in plastic version: Some believe that the TV series is far too vulgar to integrate the LEGO universes and others consider that the golden age of The Simpsons is already over.

Yet a recent study ranks The Simpsons at the top of the Internet users' favorite TV series. This ranking is an amalgamation of data retrieved from Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia, and even if the evaluation methodology may seem questionable in the eyes of some, the fact remains that the Simpsons are making the "buzz" and still generate as much interactions on the Internet, in front of other very popular TV series.

Below, a summary of this ranking with the details of the criteria used: Number of fans on facebook, people who talk about it on facebook, number of followers on Twitter and number of pages viewed on Wikipedia in the last three months.

Formatted statistics via Statista.

The Internet's 15 Favorite TV Shows

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