26/12/2012 - 10:29 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

BrotherhoodWorkshop - LEGO Treebeard's Holiday Special

Little Christmas present from the guys at home Brotherhood Workshop with this very friendly brickfilm featuring Treebeard grappling with a bunch of belligerent logging orcs.

As usual, it's very well scripted and directed. We are really reaching the top of what is possible in brickfilm. I really like the Ent's movements which are consistent with those of the film with the same inertia and perfectly reproduced gestures.

Gollum is hiding somewhere in this video, try to locate him.

18/12/2012 - 00:33 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Life-Size LEGO Bag End

It took a team of 12 employees and 3000 hours of work to build this life-size version of Bag End that LEGO presents on its facebook page.

This achievement incorporates more than 2 million 1x1 bricks and is equipped with a fireplace with lighting and smoke.

To see more, visit the album released by lego.

Below is the video which details the design of this giant diorama.

17/12/2012 - 20:47 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Because Sir Ian McKellen is a great actor and all of us Lord of the Rings fans or X-Men fans for that matter love this actor, this 30 second video fits here.

I don't see any other valid reason, nor do I need it.

10/12/2012 - 23:35 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Biblo & Gollum by Iain Heath

Seen on flickr, this superb staging by Iain Heath alias Ocher Jelly.

Difficult to find anything to say about this creation, everything is millimeter.

From the expressions on the faces of Bilbo, all proud with his ring, to that of Gollum, anxious and envious, through the drape of the coat of the hobbit or the posture of the one who was once a hobbit it's perfect.

Public chat Ocher Jelly's flickr gallery you will be able to see some other photos of this high-flying achievement.

07/12/2012 - 00:12 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

LEGO Lord of the Rings 2013

It's on the forum of the Swedish site swebrick.se that a user who had access to the second half of 2013 retailer catalog posted some information about the sets from the second wave of LEGO Star Wars in 2013 (see here on Hoth Bricks) as well as the LEGO Lord of the Rings range scheduled for next year.

As for the new Lord of the Rings, he indicates that one of the sets would be based on the sequence "Battle of the Black Gate"from the Return of the King.

The set would contain Gandalf the White minifigs, a Witch-king of Angmar as well as 3 other unidentified minifigs.

The second set would be a boat, probably that of the Ghost Army delivered with 10 or 12 minifigs, some of which would be "immortals", probably the ghost pirates.

We will probably find Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, all three protagonists of the landing scene seen in the Return of the King.

This information partly overlaps with what we had so far with 4 sets announced for 2013:

LEGO 79005 The Wizard Battle
LEGO 79006 The Council of Elrond
LEGO 79007 Battle at the Black Gate
LEGO 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush

I remind you that all these rumors have to be taken with great care.