30/08/2012 - 23:52 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

And it is amazon.fr which already announces the list of LEGO The Hobbit sets for pre-order with their French name accompanied by the prices. No availability date is indicated for the moment (mention "Coming soon")

79000 The Cave of Gollum - 105 pieces - 13.99 €
79001 Spiders of Mirkwood Forest - 298 pieces - 31.49 €
79002 Attack on the Ouargues - 400 pieces - 59.99 €
79003 The Meeting at Cul-de-Sac - 652 pieces - 79.99 €
79010 The Battle Against the Goblin King - 841 pieces - 99.99 €

Find the real-time prices of these sets on pricevortex.com to be sure not to miss a price drop or a more reasonable rate on other European Amazon sites.

(Thanks to mandrakesarecool2 in the commentss)

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