08/03/2013 - 14:45 Lego news

There is no doubt a certain logic that escapes us at LEGO when it comes to The Yoda Chronicles with the posting today of the second part of the promotional video featuring the characters and the machines of the set. 75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar.

We're still not on the subject, but it's fun to watch and since we're a bit in the bottom of the wave (of sets) at the moment, we are busy as we can.


08/03/2013 - 13:30 Lego news

Lego the lone ranger

Forward for a gallery of images bringing together the official visuals of the sets of the range of products derived from the next Disney film: The Lone Ranger. LEGO has besides (re) put the mini-site online dedicated to this range.

It's western, it will necessarily appeal to children and AFOLs and it will probably sell well regardless of the success of the film.

As far as I'm concerned, I'll skip over it, I already have too much to do with Star Wars, DC, Marvel, LOTR and The Hobbit ....

Since some talk about it in the comments, here are the announced prices:

79106 Cavalry Builder Set €14.99
79107 Comanche Camp €29.99
79108 Stagecoach Escape €49.99
79109 Colby City Showdown €59.99
79110 Silver Mine Shootout €79.99
79111 Constitution Chase Train 99.99 €

(Images "found" by GRogall, this guy must work at LEGO, it is not possible otherwise ...)

LEGO The Lone Ranger 79106 Cavalry Builder Set LEGO The Lone Ranger 79106 Cavalry Builder Set LEGO The Lone Ranger 79107 Comanche Camp
LEGO The Lone Ranger 79107 Comanche Camp LEGO The Lone Ranger 79108 Stagecoach Escape LEGO The Lone Ranger 79108 Stagecoach Escape
LEGO The Lone Ranger 79109 Colby City Showdown LEGO The Lone Ranger 79109 Colby City Showdown LEGO The Lone Ranger 79110 Silver Mine Shootout
LEGO The Lone Ranger 79110 Silver Mine Shootout LEGO The Lone Ranger 79111 Constitution Train Chase LEGO The Lone Ranger 79111 Constitution Train Chase
07/03/2013 - 11:24 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Lego lord of the rings

Great effort from Amazon UK at the moment on the 2012 sets of the LEGO Lord of the Rings range with unbeatable prices on the sets 9471 Uruk-Hai Army, 9472 Attack on Weathertop, 9473 The Mines of Moria et 9474 The Battle Of Helm's Deep.
I remind you that you can order on amazon.co.uk with your usual amazon identifiers.
07/03/2013 - 09:02 Lego news

The Simpsons

Oh! The Simpsons in LEGO? We've all dreamed of it and it's about to be signed with 20th Century Fox for marketing in 2014.

It is in any case what Mads Nipper confirms, the marketing director of LEGO, without going into detail.

No precise information for the moment on the terms of the agreement between the two giants, but it promises ...

The possibilities are almost endless with the plethora of already cult characters from the animated series that LEGO fans of all ages are sure to want to collect ...

06/03/2013 - 20:01 Lego news

No More Page 3

The info is not of much interest to us French, but it is still worth its weight in peanuts: The partnership between LEGO and the newspaper The Sun which regularly materialized by an offer to obtain some polybags in exchange of coupons to cut from the pages of the English tabloid ends and the explanations given vary according to the source.

On the LEGO side, it is argued that the partnership comes to an end naturally after two years of collaboration and that in no case the manufacturer gives in to pressure from the "No More Page 3" group.

On the side of opponents to "Page 3", the one on which a young, undressed woman appears daily, we cry victory following the petition against the partnership between a toy manufacturer and a newspaper which offers rather trashy content and which has collected more than 12.000 signatures. Life-size actions were even carried out in front of the newspaper's headquarters and as far as the LEGOland park in Windsor (UK) to demand the end of this partnership, which was a problem for many parents.

In short, polybags with The Sun are over. It remains to be seen if LEGO will repeat the operation in the future with a slightly less trashy newspaper.

For more information, read Guardian article.