14/09/2012 - 13:31 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

LEGO Lord of the Rings Bonuses

It's the video game bonus party LEGO Lord of the Rings at EB Games, Australian subsidiary of GameStop.

On the menu, for any pre-order of the game in XBOX 360 or PS3 version: Elrond's minifig, activation of the character in version 2nd age in-game, as well as five other characters to activate: Smeagol, Prince Imrahil, Sauron (2nd age), Beregond and Théodred.

For the other versions (Wii, PS Vita, PC, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS): Elrond's minifig and the activation of the character in version 2nd age in the game.

None of this with us for the moment, except the Collector's version of the game (PS3) available pre-order exclusively at amazon.de with Elrond's minifigure.

LEGO Lord of the Rings Bonuses

14/09/2012 - 11:28 Shopping

LEGO BrickMaster Books - Ninjago & Friends

I received several emails asking me to reference the BrickMaster sets on pricevortex.com. It is now done.

They are often forgotten, and yet these BrickMaster sets delivered in the form of a book containing a few handfuls of parts and a minifig or two are interesting. The range continues to evolve with two new references this year: LEGO Brick Master Friends et LEGO BrickMaster Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes!.

The big plus of these sets lies in the instructions provided which allow you to make half a dozen different models from the delivered parts. This is not the nirvana of the experienced MOCeur, but for a young enthusiast it is a good start and a pleasant way to discover a range without breaking the bank.

As an example, here are the different models that can be built with the 240 parts of the LEGO Brick Master Star Wars (Photo by Katanaz who used 4 copies of this BrickMaster set to be able to present all the possible models).

LEGO Star Wars BrickMaster - Photo by KatanaZ

13/09/2012 - 23:39 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Hobbiton: A long expected party by Legopard

It's Biblo Baggins' 111th birthday and all the Hobbits are preparing a big party for the occasion ...

Bag End is in the spotlight with this superb MOC, awarded at the SteineWahn 2012 event in Berlin and that its creator stages with great creativity.

The overview above only partially pays homage to the work that Legopard has done, and the one below gives you a taste of the level of detail on offer.

And the most surprising remains to be discovered on the MOCpages area of ​​MOCeur with many views of this 1.60 m long diorama which required nearly 3 months of work and which is designed with modularity allowing it to be easily transportable.

Hobbiton: A long expected party by Legopard

13/09/2012 - 16:55 Lego news

LEGO® Amazing Minifigure Ultimate Sticker Collection - DK Publishing

A Brickset user found this cover of the next collection of stickers published by DK Publishing which will be available soon and simply titled: LEGO® Amazing Minifigure Ultimate Sticker Collection.

Nothing too exciting, I hate these books full of stickers. If you have kids you know they stick it all over the place ... if you don't have kids I think you can imagine the thing ...

The only interesting thing here is the visual at the bottom right which seems to be that of a minifigure from the Legends of Chima theme (Circled in red by me).

If you like this type of work, this one is currently in preorder. on amazon at a rate of 10.14 € with availability scheduled for January 17, 2013.

13/09/2012 - 13:44 Shopping

LEGO Star Wars - 10225 Ultimate Collector Series R2-D2

Nice promo on amazon.it with set 10225 R2-D2 currently offered at 159.99 €! For information, its current price on the LEGO Shop is 194.99 € ...

I have just done a simulation and the product is found at 158.14 € in the basket to which must be added 7.00 € for shipping to France, for a total of 165.14 €.

To take advantage of this attractive price, don't hang around too much, things are moving very, very quickly at the moment: LEGO Star Wars 10225 R2-D2

For everything else there is pricevortex.com.