13/06/2013 - 23:15 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

LEGO Lord of the Rings - The Black Gate

He just talked about it in the comments but it deserves a mention here: Khalim offers an improved version of the Black Gate (Black gate) designed only with parts from two copies of the set 79007 Battle at the Black Gate.

It's a great job, the final rendering is excellent and the gentleman is not selfish since he even offers you to download the LDD file (to be used under Lego digital designer) of this MOC / MOD.

It is true that you have to afford two copies of the 79007 set to achieve this result, but the game is well worth the effort. No more frustration of having half a door, here is the version with two leaves and with two watchtowers!

It's more expensive, but it's prettier.

Further views of Khalim's work on his flickr gallery. The LDD file is to download at this address.

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