06/12/2012 - 19:45 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

Martin Freeman aka Bilbo

It's certain the facebook page dedicated to the film that some of the cast of The Hobbit trilogy were presented in the company of their respective minifigs.

And everyone seems rather satisfied with the plastic version of his character, even if we can have some doubts about Ori whose minfig is far from being similar.

I added the visuals of the minifigs in a more readable format on each photo.

Click on the photos to view them in large format.

William Kircher aka Bifur Mark Hadlow aka Dori
Graham McTavish aka Dwalin Dean O'Gorman aka Fili
Ian McKellen aka Gandalf Peter Hambleton aka Gloin
Jed Brophy aka Nori John Callen aka Oin
Adam Brown aka Ori Richard Armitage aka Thorin
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