07/06/2013 - 13:46 LEGO LOTR & The Hobbit Lego news

10237 The Tower of Orthanc

I know what you are saying to yourself: You are wondering why I am giving you the plank stickers from set 10237 The Tower of Orthanc illustrated on this post.

I chose this image for several reasons: First of all because there are indeed many stickers in this box and I still find it scandalous that LEGO is selling us stickers in boxes at 200 €.

It's easy to guess that many buyers of this set will never stick their stickers, preferring to protect them from light, dust, etc ... And no one comes to talk to me about production costs, LEGO makes enough margin to be able to afford to offer fans a set where each motif would be carefully screen printed. I'm rambling, I know. But it feels good...

For the rest, no revolutionary info: The visuals of this set are known, the minifigs too. We also learn that there are actually very few mobile functions dedicated to gameplay and that the assembly of the tower is not as monotonous as one might think.

You can see many other photos and read what the author of the review thinks on the Imperium der Steine ​​forum at this address (Link integrating the Google translation in French).

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